Saturday, March 19, 2011

The Unrelenting Saint Lucia and The mysterious Superman

My gentle feet lift off the ground. My eyes are shut, I feel nothing but the warm wind fawning on my naked body. Quietly, I hear my very own serenade playing as ambiance in the background. This good life, is unknown to me. As the children of war explained to me, I was actually born on Ringo (though I deny it). The ash and dirt of this glass wasteland is the home of my blackened heart. All these smokers and sufferers kept me hidden amongst heroes they expected to never rise again. The Children of War thought differently.

Do me a favor, listen to me Sweet Forest. Forget all you know. Just follow my lead. Forget the asylum of Sound. Be quiet. Forget the touch of Demons. Be still. Forget your conceptions of just how fucked up it could get. Be at peace. Listen.

Saint Lucia, would not relent. She kept on fighting the Wolf of Impurity. He destroyed her, he took her eyes, he took her life, he took her father. Good soul, she would not relent. Do you understand what that martyr stood for? For the God given right of her purity. She saw that it was evident that the most noble King of Day could be heard with a heart pure. She knew the sweetness of his voice. She understood that it doesn't have to be a violent world. The most noble King of Day took her burdens and Aslan ripped the Wolf of Impurity apart.

The Children of War would not relent. Persistent paranoia plagued me from the inside. I felt betrayed by the Blood Tyrants. I trusted them. They cursed my name. Blackbird didn't believe me. I was losing touch.

The chorus had told me I was something more. They gave me a new weird hope. Like I was really something special. Something to sing about.

And this world. This fucking world. Took that dream and held it crumpled in its dirty hands. Shook my head and said that my heart was what they could never accept. That Impure Wolf, pumped my body with adrenaline. And I bled till I couldn't see God.

My eyes perceived everything WRONG. Smoke rose from the pit where my eye once was, and I cried like a girl when that monster plucked the ball from its socket. My mother took me to the hospital, where the doctors took control. They told me dance, bribed me sing, I told them to leave, but held me close and rocked me till I grew soft.

A specialist, A Saint of Water, The Valiant Patron of Aslan came mounted upon her brilliant steed. I lifted my head from my withering frame, to blast out her soul with the fiery rage of my eyes. Without being phased, she spoke right to that poisoness thorned vine that strangled my ego. She spoke the simple truth, cause she knew Aslan. She in fact adored Aslan, with a little girls heart. She placed healing water upon my hands and mind so that I could have the victory of baptism. This of course infuriated my enemies. That dark wolf and his members sought out to destroy her, but the Children of War would not have it. That enemy has no place our hospitals. They only come to destroy...

As I dove beneath the waves, she met me there, before my lungs could fill. I swam despairingly, in order to retreat from reality. I sought to return to my womb. The comfortable den of mistrust and insanity...

It was like a cat picking up a kitten by his neck. I heard the sweet voice of Jesus. The most noble King of Day pulled us up. His hands were always upon me, quick to hold me. Being in his arms, his strong protecting arms, I wept. He had me, and he wasn't about to let me go. He brushed my hair, he adored me. I was just a child then. I was just being alive in his love. And then to Aslan. He held me up to Aslan. What can I say about Aslan? He is MOST magnificent. MOST glorious. I could do nothing but weep uncontrollably in his presence.

While I was up there, things happened that I was unaware of. My torch, was lit anew. My cape, was replaced. Aslan tore that dirty wolf from my spirit. And devoured him.

Devoured Him. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah.

I recieved my emblem.

So here I am. Standing with the words of my Holy Father in front of the Children of War. I begin to fly.

images used:

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