Look at this gray land my brother. Look here Blackbird.
But like the Will of Fire, our love shall consume us.
Our love will warm this cold earth. Gentle hands will pick up these ruins. When you feel the strain in your back, burst forth from the never-dying passion. Let hope swell up deep within your stomach and let it overflow, let it encompass every breath.
I know things are different than the visions of the quiet.
The thorns and thistles twist around this empire of dark.
Insatiable hearts cling to these rocks, singing horrible songs of misguided love and illusions wrapped in shallow glamour. If they could they would eternally retreat to a warm, solitary fortress wrapped in the comfort of pitch black. They cut their hair and claw at their surroundings, and they cant see the
beautiful stars.
Close your eyes dear.
Feel the sun.
Feel our fathers warmth.
Brother, feel his hands on your weary shoulders.
we are his children.
young, but strong.
He will not deny us our victory, but if we stay still, if we dont move, who will?
We are the chosen children.
We will inherit our brother's victory. I will not be conquered by the enemy.
If we do not love our kingdom that is being prepared for us, who will fill it?
You dont honestly think he made you from dust, then died for that dust, just for you to pray sometimes and go to a sanctuary on a Sunday?
I saw you there, as you laid in that dirt. As the flesh wore off your bones and those creatures picked you apart. I knew when I looked into your eyes, that you were made for more beautiful things. If only I could take you by your hand, and lead you to that secret room, where he whispers his secrets. Just if you could know for one second longer how gorgeous the royal throne is.
I, myself, lied in the dirt. Like the mass of humanity, I did not know what love was.
I was sworn a traitor and an orphan. And my wage was never enough to pay the debt.
I was beat. I was cursed. I feared.
My eyes were hollow, my bones lifeless. My hair was matted and my skin was broken.
I was gone.
But their are saints who would not allow such things to happen.
A White Grizzly lent me his wise words and fathered my faith. I have grown to love a Champ of Angels (and all the True Cowboys).
I had the Fearfully-brave Poet share the beauty unseen, and the Valiant Patron of Aslan showed me the unremarkable colors of truth.
And Blackbird has exemplified the true work of The Spirit, whether she knows it or not.
My brother's love has come at me like a tidal wave. Now a radiance shines upon my cheeks; my eyes sparkle and my love is growing strong. My work is hard but my reward is sweet. The fight is bloody and I turn my head nearly every day, but I aint going back. Cause I am here to march to you, lift you on my shoulders and take you with me.
I aint got no time for dying. Neither do you. Not for the juggernaut, not for ester darker. Your fallout will silenced with his breath.
Never die, never be satisfied with this gray life.
Then take a breath,
to love.